Aligning Saudi Arabia with Russia
Empowering Collaboration. Building Success.
Empowering Collaboration. Building Success.
Contributing to the enrichment of cross-border collaborations and strategic alliances in pursuit of shared goals and prosperity.
The main points
towards mutually beneficial international relations and business diplomacy in my opinion:
strategic alliances to achieve common goals of prosperity
viable partnerships
cultural changes
at all levels of development
Over 20 years in this field, I have developed a wealth of knowledge, experience, connections in all circles, and a unique status as an Ambassadore

Deep-rooted connections

Leverage in deep-rooted connections within political and business circles, investor boards, influential families, esteemed bloggers and journalists of RT channel

Russian citizenship

Owing the Russian citizenship assists me to elevate the image of the Russian business community outside its borders, particularly in Middle Eastern nations.

Understanding of distinct

Clear understanding of distinct insights into the cultural, historical, and communication dynamics defining the Saudi mindset.

Membership in Federal and Regional Export Centers.

More than 100 educational webinars, conferences and meetings for Russian exporters
More about AlKhabir
Request for partnership
If you have a project I can help with, fill out the collaboration form and I'll get back to you very quickly.

Harmonizing Cultures, Maximizing Potential:
Unifying Saudi Arabia and Russia
Harmonizing Cultures, Maximizing Potential:
Unifying Saudi Arabia and Russia
Rich business experience
in Saudi Arabia since 2004.
Over 20 years, I have gained collossal experience in retail strategies, distribution, and market expansion.
Effective execution of strategic initiatives to foster business growth.
Successful implementation of innovative business cycle trends.
  • Key managerial roles in KSA
    • Bin Dawood Holding (Danube - Bindawood) hypermarkets
    • Carrefour - International chain in Saudi Arabia
    • Biggest retail and gasoil chains
  • n 2022 established a distribution company for import and export
    We are committed to advancing top Russian brands in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via online platforms and traditional retail channels, as well as KSA brands in Russia.
  • Co-founder of consulting
    company Al-Khabir
    to provide consulting and effective business solutions for the development of Russian and KSA brands between two countries.

1st Russian Launch
in Saudi Arabia
In the autumn of '23, we did a unique and very large-scale launch for the Russian company Smart. It was a very large-scale and unprecedented event for Russia and for Saudi Arabia.

Partners and companies
Companies that trust me
Useful links:
Here we have collected useful information about the relations and peculiarities of Saudi Arabia and Russia
Russia and Saudi Arabia today
We have prepared short videos that give an idea of these two countries. I hope it will be useful and interesting for you.
Learn about the greatness and versatility of Russia. Hospitality, depth, endless expanse and variety of nature, cordiality, and large-scale projects
Find out what the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia breathes and dreams of.

Very soon, it will catch up and surpass Dubai on grandiose projects and become a unique pearl of the East.
Contact Information
I will be happy for any interaction.

Vael Barish
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